It is no secret that user-generated content (UGC) is an incredible tool for promotion. Quality of attention and quantity of attention are increasingly differentiated. Rampant attention competition has driven changes in entertainment consumption itself, exacerbated by the last year’s attention boom.

This is where TikTok campaigns are mastering the new age of subliminal marketing – a healthy blend of prompting of positive emotions, spread by a viral message with the same characteristics as that pesky chain mail that we thought we left behind in the MSN era – with a barely-noticeable marketing aspect along for the ride.Įmerging consumer trends in a re-saturated attention economy But the great debate: is subliminal messaging still subliminal if the brain recognises it? I.e., now that we have brought your attention to the Amazon smile, is it still a subliminal message? Amazon’s logo, for example, looks like an arrow is connecting the A to the Z, implying that they provide everything you are looking for it also forms a smile, thus an intent to associate happy emotions when thinking of the company. Subliminal messaging in advertisements often take the form of triggering a positive emotion or memory in a subtle way. This has been a topic of great controversy in the past, especially surrounding the ethics of ‘controlling our minds’, but it is not uncommon for it to be used still take Disney movies and The Simpsons, for example.

Now take the idea of subliminal messaging – stay with us here, it will all make sense in a moment when used in a marketing context, this is when an advertiser uses subtle messages in a campaign to affect the audience’s behaviour without them noticing. Did they serve any purpose other than to scare school kids? No. Our millennial readers might recall the days of their first email accounts – back in the nineties and noughties – when their friends would send them chain mail with the threat of some ghoulish creature visiting them in the night if they did not forward the email on to *insert number here* friends.