123movies wandavision episode 9
123movies wandavision episode 9

That thankfully doesn’t make the reveals themselves any less exciting, but the construction of the episode does mean all the characters feel somewhat underserved until the final ten minutes. It’s nice to get hints back to her past and hear voices from Captain Marvel, but this is very much an episode about moving all the pieces into the correct position for the finale, rather than doing anything massive with them.

123movies wandavision episode 9

Monica’s material here is all in aid of anticipation rather than immediate pay-off, though, something which characterises the episode as a whole. It’s also fun to see the design of her SWORD uniform acting as a prototype of her hero costume from the comics. The glowing blue eyes, strange electromagnetic vision, and invulnerability to the hex’s transformative power all indicate that we could be well on the way to getting a Captain Marvel-grade superhero punch-up in the coming finale. In other big reveals, Monica’s pushing back into Westview through the hex barrier appears to have activated her powers, putting her one step ahead on the road to becoming her comic book counterpart, Spectrum. And with Agatha’s part of the story confirmed, it opens the door wide for further theories around her intentions for Wanda and her children, as well as the potential for characters like Mephisto or even Chthon to make their MCU debut. Blowing the candle out on this theory, only to reignite it an episode later, is an ideal act of timing from showrunner Jac Schaeffer, and ensures the reveal still carries some punch, even if it does get just a brief few minutes of screen time.

123movies wandavision episode 9

But as episodes have gone by, she seemed less and less the culprit, especially following her bewildered encounter with Vision in episode six. However, it has long been a fan theory among lore obsessives that Agnes is Agatha Harkness.

123movies wandavision episode 9

For non-comic fans, this reveal may have come out of nowhere, especially as Agnes has done nothing truly suspicious on-screen, which does dent its impact.

123movies wandavision episode 9